Casino Etiquette - Casino, Las vegas

vegas casino etiquette

vegas casino etiquette - win

1st time in Vegas need gambling tips/casino etiquette

So for my 21st birthday my parents are taking me to Vegas! Exciting right. I have only gambled twice in my life (legally at 18+ casinos in Michigan) and I need some input on what the best bets to make at casinos are. I know how to play blackjack and craps but I have no idea about other table games. I would prefer to stay away from slots and all video gambling games. Correct me if I'm wrong but I was told that slot machines have the worst odds in the casino. Also, there seams to be a lot of unwritten rules about how you conduct yourself / what you can and can't say in a casino. I remember saying the number 'seven' while I was on the Craps table and everyone shot me a mean look an the boxman (is that a thing) told me not to say that again. I am staying at the Paris btw. Thanks in advance for your help!!
submitted by drazzy1 to vegas [link] [comments]

The time a cheap mombie asked me to give up my seat on a flight for her toddler...twice.

Joined not too long back, enjoy your stories & insight. I turned the big 3-0 this year, here’s to retiring earlier and living a fabulous life on my own terms with less responsibilities and headache. Translation for any breeders reading this: I’m selfish lol.
To preface, I don’t understand why parents travel to Las Vegas with their kids. Do they actually think they’re going to have a good time? Are they drunk on that “being a parent is the best thing that’s ever happened to me” Kool Aid? Casinos are filled with cigarette smoke and loud noises, verified health hazards.
Anyway, this nearly packed red eye flight had me in an aisle seat (my preference) directly across from my partner also in an aisle seat. To my left in the middle seat is a mombie with her oversized baby or toddler whining on her lap; I don’t know what the fuck they’re feeding them nowadays.
I made accidental eye contact with the mombie, who thinks this is her in with me to ask if I can move and give up my seat so that, I kid you not, her toddler can have somewhere to sit. I told her no thank you. At the time I had bad flight anxiety and I already found it challenging not to be side by side with my partner. (Dammit, it just dawned on me that I should have asked her if she’d switch seats with my boyfriend).
As boarding finishes, a flight attendant suddenly kneels over and whispers if I’d be interested in moving seats. I told her not without my partner, so it’s a no go as only one other seat is available, and it’s a shitty window seat with a full row. She nods, tells me that’s perfectly fine and walks away for takeoff.
We’re taxiing now, I’ve already had a few side nudges from the fussy kid, I’m holding hands with my boyfriend directly across from me (takeoff is when my anxiety was at its peak). Then I hear, “Listen, could you please move seats for him? He’s heavy to hold for this long and won’t be able to fall sleep”.
Are! You! Kidding! Me!
“No, I already said no”.
She looks away pissed off, you know, because it’s my fault that she decided to be a cheapskate who held out hope that someone with no backbone would pity her and move instead.
I despise women who think society should give them special treatment because they’re moms. Newsflash, raising a kid isn’t anything pioneering, and just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you’re a good mom. Not to mention responsible parents buy separate seats for their kids. And if they can’t afford it, then they don’t travel.
Edit: Thank you for the reddit gold (every other post I’ve seen this happen to always has this mention so I’m assuming it’s good etiquette!). I will now google around to know what that means so I can be more grateful of this prestige bestowed upon me!
Your comments have me genuinely laughing hysterically! I will do my best to respond later this evening otherwise I’ll be on Reddit pissing my whole day away.
To be clear, I realize that not everyone goes to Vegas for debauchery, that remark about bringing kids to Vegas was strictly in the context of the ones who visit the Strip. But you’re right, I have no idea if mombie just happened to have a layover or was there for other reasons (clearly not a parenting conference).
submitted by cryptohobo to childfree [link] [comments]

Opinion about a rude dealer

Hi all, I'm new-ish to this sub so I'm just trying to get an opinion about something that recently happened at the Cosmo in Vegas. Sorry in advance if it's a long post.
I'm not completely new to craps (been playing for 5-6 months on and off) but maybe I just missed some common etiquette. I walked up to the table at Cosmo with my wife and there was only one person on the opposite end rolling. I put down $200 buy-in and hadn't placed anything down when the shooter rolled a point-6. Before the next roll, I put down a bet on the pass line ($15) but totally blanked that the shooter had already established a point, so I was starting to take back the bet when the stickman said I could go ahead and keep my pass line bet (don't know if rules are different at other casinos but I guess they allowed me to place it even after the point). I'm not sure if that's bad etiquette and I should've just waited for the shooter to finish either hitting the point or crapping out, or if its a moot point.
What happened after this is where I got really confused. I put down $25 on odds since the point was 6. I didn't feel like going full odds just because I was warming up to the table. The dealer then grabbed my chips (while I was talking to my wife) and stacked them all up with the $25 token on the bottom and the rest of my $15 chips on top of it. I asked him what he was doing and he said something along the lines of " need to put $30 here to make more money" (I could barely make out what he was saying). Now he had an accent and I really had no idea what he said so I thought he was telling me to put $5 more down on my odds but I was thinking "why do I need to put $30 on odds instead of $25? The payout is still 6-5 isn't it?". So I said wait why do I need to put down $30? This is where he got really upset at me and blurted out, "I'm just trying to make you more money".
Now of course right after this the shooter rolled a 7 so I lost my bet anyways but I was still confused so I said a little more loudly this time, "Again, why did you take my chips and tell me to put $30?" I was genuinely confused and maybe I missed what he was telling me to do. I was thinking that he was possibly telling to put a place bet instead of passline+odds but even that didn't really make sense to me. Anyways when I asked him this he leaned back to the pitboss and just shook his head and said outloud, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I TRY TO HELP PEOPLE". The pitboss had zero reaction and just kind of stood there.
Now I'm kind of getting heated, thinking "what the hell is this guys problem". My wife eventually asked him the same question, "What were you trying to tell my husband?" to which he didn't even answer he and looked the other way. Mind you its only me and my wife on this end of the table so it's not like he didn't hear her. She got pissed about this and said that we needed to get the f*** out of there when I felt like it. Anyways I ended up down about $150 and called it quits.
Any idea what he might have been suggesting to me? And did I break some sort of unwritten rule when I called the dealer out for grabbing my bet?
submitted by xxjok3r to Craps [link] [comments]

Best craps game in Vegas?

Making my semi annual trip to Vegas, I normally stay on the strip because that’s where my friends/family prefer to stay. However, as a craps enthusiast, I find it annoying to play my favorite table game with new players, drunks, and those who don’t follow basic etiquette. Can anyone recommend casinos that have the best game in terms of having a high percentage of players that know what they are doing and can keep the game moving at a good pace? Thanks!
submitted by jiaweiwu08 to Craps [link] [comments]

A deeper look at the dystopian worldbuilding of Rabbids Go Home. Seriously.

Anyone remember this game? There must be at least a few of you who do. I don't know what about this game is so much better than any of the other Rabbids games, but it feels so impressive and I feel like the story and world behind all the mayhem can be dissected much further than people think.


It seems to me that after playing and beating the game 5 times since I first got it for my 6th birthday in 2010, the story has made much more sense to me as I've gotten older. The world almost gives off a feel of the dystopia that Fahrenheit 451 presents, being one of mass consumerism where the people no longer care about themselves and just shop 'till they drop, which seems to be something the game likes to portray. It may just be simple satire of the idea of consumerism, but I feel like it goes deeper than we really think. Even the development team goes on record stating, " [They] mull over all their decisions, their emotions in-check. Their organs have atrophied. They have nearly forgotten that they have a body or a heart, and can barely handle those," which makes a shocking resemblance to the world of Fahrenheit 451.


In my eyes there are three great examples of the dystopian world this takes place in, one being the recurring theme of a comedic announcer lady (as I've always called her), the Babel Mall, and the level "'Till Rabbids Do Us Cart."


For a long time I've felt that this game has more to it than just running around as an annoying rabbit riding around in a shopping cart pissing everybody off. I've always been a fan of leaving background stories in games that require interpretation, but doesn't necessarily need the background knowledge that lore demands. Discuss in the comments what you think on the matter if you've ever played the game!
TL;DR Ever since I was young I've noticed an odd and frankly disturbing background story from Rabbids Go Home of all games, and I want this community to discuss what they think on the matter based on the evidence given above.
submitted by screechy1 to ubisoft [link] [comments]

Famous Musician/Band Run-Ins

I submitted the same question to Bob and Dan, but I would like to submit it to the sub as well! Have you had any funny, amazing or embarrassing run-ins with a famous musician/band that you want to share?
I have a couple good ones that I’ll start out with.
Four years ago, I was flying from LA to Chicago on a super early morning flight (like 3am). It turned out, I was on the same flight as Everclear!!! I was a huge fan as a teenager, and even saw them live a few times. Art Alexakis and 3 other band-mates (the new crew that I didn’t recognize) were huddled up in a conversation. I was standing nearby waiting for them to finish talking so I could say hi, or at least give a “cool guy head nod” to Art. While I was waiting, I saw them doing the saddest thing ever… Art had a little wad of cash, and he was giving each guy their $20 per diem to spend at the airport. When each guy got their $20, they each went their own directions by themselves. Seeing a band I used to love, huddled up for their airport $20 was the least “Rockstar” thing I had ever seen. I still gave Art the cool guy head nod as I waked past, and received the cool guy head nod in return.
A few years earlier, I was in Las Vegas, hanging out with a friend that lives there. He took me out to an off-the-strip casino called Red Rocks or something like that. It was a big, really nice casino, that I proceeded to get drunk and play craps in for several hours. My friend and I were playing at a table by ourselves so he (and the dealer) could explain the rules. After a few minutes, a crowd of 15 to 20 people showed up and started playing at our table. My friend elbowed me and quietly said “Dude – Kid Rock is playing craps with us...” I looked up, and sure enough, Kid Rock was standing at the other end of the craps table, throwing money down with Cindy Crawford!!! I, being drunk (and not understanding Casino etiquette), pulled out my flip phone and snapped a picture of the two of them. Immediately, 1 of the 10 guys surrounding him and Cindy came over to me and said I had to go find another table. I argued that we were here first, it was a $5 craps table, and I didn’t have to go anywhere!!! My argument didn’t work as I was gently led out, past the table. On my way by, I loudly stated “Who cares if I took a picture of Kid Rock, he sucks anyway!!!” The guy escorting me laughed out loud and said, “I know he sucks, but you are still not allowed to take pictures at a casino table…" So in the end, I was the asshole. But, at least Kid Rock knows that I think he sucks! I do have the photo of them someplace that I'll try to dig up.
EDIT: Spelling
submitted by Milesdavisiv to throwbackpod [link] [comments]

Survival by Art: The Magic of Busking

10,000 hours. That's how long it's said to take before someone has "mastered" a skill. Woodworking, Painting, Banjo Picking or Tap Dancing, the medium doesn't matter. You have to put in hours. You earn skill through repetition.
This concept of putting in the tedious effort to learn something is really common among musicians and other performers. Your job is to entertain people. You do that by performing a difficult task and making it look easy. Making something look easy takes time.
For the vast majority of musicians, the fear of embarrassment forces them to sit locked up in their room and get "good enough" to play for people in public. We feel ashamed of the fact that we were once novices, and we don't want anyone to know that we were ever anything less than perfect.
It wasn't always this way. For most of human history, there was no separation between "performer" and "audience." Music was a communal task, participated in by everyone around the cookfire or all of the hands out tending their crops. Music and dance were a natural form of communication, an important cultural dialogue in which everyone took part.
Even after The Middle Ages, when Europe's ruling class made entertainment a commodity for themselves and put musician servants on stage, traditions of folk music everywhere in the world still expected everyone sitting around to pick up an instrument or clap their hands and sing.
This natural, communal form of song still lives on today, and in first-world countries, it is carried by the kindred spirits of travelers. The tradition of busking looks at society's implication that one must be a master to perform, and sticks its tongue out at the whole thing.
If you have a guitar that you barely know three chords on, and two of your more-experienced friends are willing to teach you a couple of songs, you can stand on the sidewalk and get real experience performing for real people. Rather than meticulously sitting alone playing the same lick until it "sounds right," you can learn much faster by putting your imperfect skills out there for people to hear.
This might sound scary. "What if people think I suck? What if I mess up?" My advice is to accept that these things will happen. First of all, every musician messes up. Even professionals who play the same show every night to a packed house could point out errors that they made after each performance. That's what makes live music great. It's provocative and risky and real. The musicians could fall apart at any point, and every moment that they hold it together and keep producing that Golden Sound is another little miracle.
It's okay to mess up. It's also okay to not impress anyone. Just by virtue of the fact that you're playing on the street, some people are going to disregard you or ignore you. Just like hitchhiking, busking teaches you to handle constant rejection with grace. The beauty of playing on the street is that you nave a dynamic, non-static audience. Most people hear you play for about 30 seconds as they walk by. This means that you could totally mess up and fail a song, and then try again, get it right, and two minutes later, the people hearing you will have the impression that you've been playing wonderfully the entire time!
The majority of people who hear you will act like they don't care. Luckily, the people who do react positively make it all worth it emotionally. If I'm playing and getting discouraged and then all-the-sudden a 4-year-old kid stops his parents and starts dancing around to my music, that is worth a hundred scowls from unimpressed people. When I get a sly look from a pretty girl or a thumbs-up from someone driving by or an unexpected tip from someone who I thought was going to just walk by, that makes all of the time I spend playing for non-music-lovers totally worth it.

-What is Busking?-

Busking is performing on the street, usually for cash tips, and can be any type of music. If you play violin and are only comfortable reading sheet music, get some good sheet music and play it. If you have a shitty guitar and only know two blues songs, play those two blues songs until you get sick of them, and them play 'em some more. If you play a weird instrument like French Horn or Harp or Oboe, realize that this actually works in your favor and that having that novelty will make you more valuable than just another kid singing and playing guitar. I make about 10-times as much money per hour when I play saxophone versus acoustic guitar.
"Bucket Kids" can be found in many places where tourism is big. Ranging in skill from "7-year-old out with his big brother, generally bothering the public" to "Holly shit how did that guy learn to play like that? Let's go dance!"
Busking also includes a million other talents besides music. Jugglers, hoopers, fire spinners, and flow artists are some of the most common. Dance crews with portable sound systems tend to be good at drawing big crowds. Tarot Card readers and Fortune Tellers are very popular in places like New Orleans. Street Magic is a whole artform of its own, and can be lucrative if you're a good showman.
Street artists can sometimes make a very good living by selling paintings, sketches, or whatever medium catches peoples' eye. Caricature work deserves special mention here, as do graffiti artists, who remain anonymous and never get paid for their work. The whole world of crafting and selling trinkets and jewelry shares space with street performers. Writers also have a place in the busking world. There is growing popularity in setting up a type writer on a milk crate or small table and writing off-the-cuff poetry "your topic, your price."
Entertaining people means getting creative. There is a whole genera of buskers who take on a character and interact with the public. It can be as simple as dressing up like Spiderman or Darth Vader and making a sign that says "Tips for Pictures." There are Statue Dudes who go to elaborate lengths to draw in audiences.
It really doesn't matter what you do. What's important is that you get out and do it.

-Your Setup-

You're going to need some kind of gear. The most basic, universal object is the "Hat" This is something to collect money from people as you perform. The Hat can be a 5-gallon bucket or a glass jar or an open guitar case or a small cardboard box written on with sharpie. Your Hat should reflect the style that you're exuding. It should be attractive and easy to access. It should be an object that draws people in and makes them want to put nice things inside.
It's common practice to put "seed money" in your Hat. This is just a dollar or some change that serves as a sign that "money goes here."
Many people who do this every day have a whole little routine figured out, and they often address common concerns with a sign, in an attempt to waste less time. The "Tips For Pics" sign, as mentioned above, is a good example of this. If you have to tell every single person that it's not cool to just steal your image for free, and that they need to contribute, that's going to take a lot of time and effort that you could spend on actually performing. There is a fine line here between adding a cardboard sign to your busking setup and "flying a sign" as a style of panhandling.
With music or dance, there is often a need to have amplified sound. This involves getting power somehow. There are many different types of setups with batteries and even generators that one can use to get an electronic speaker to play on the street. In some instances, you can find places to plug in, but that is rare and unreliable.
In my experience, relying on electronics can be a hassle. Batteries die, devices break, it rains. Many times, cops will use "amplified sound" as a specific excuse for running you off of your spot or giving you a ticket. Acoustic music sounds better, and is less of a hassle if you do it right.
Whatever your setup is, know how to set up and tear down quickly. I prefer to have no more stuff than I can carry when I busk. If you do have more than just an instrument with you, you're probably going to need some kind of cart. Even if you're a van dweller and can haul your gear around in your rig, don't rely on being able to find parking directly adjacent to where you want to busk.
Some people lay out a rug, have a bunch of trinkets and furniture and decorations, set up a sound system, etc. All of this is done for their own comfort, and to establish an atmosphere. Having an elaborate setup can work well, but again, practice setting up and tearing down quickly. You are vulnerable during these transition periods.

-Getting Started-

If there is one piece of advice or encouragement I can give you, it's this: the fear and trepidation that you might feel is temporary. As soon as you play that first note or hit "play" on your boombox and start dancing, the anxiety melts away and you're focused on what you're doing.
I've spent a lot of time doing this, and thought about it a lot. I've tried to decipher what it is that makes busking this special magic thing, why it's hard and scary to think about, and why it's so easy once you get going. I think it has to do with your energy level. Before you start performing, you're at the same level as everyone else walking around. You're an anonymous human, going about your day, with your own agenda. You're not familiar to any of the people around you, and society kind of implores us to just tolerate and ignore each other. The amount of attention that you command is very neutral.
Once you start playing, however, you're suddenly addressing all of these strangers and saying "Hey! Look at me! I'm doing this thing and I'm doing it for you! I hope you like it." You are taking a risk for the sake of enriching the lives of your fellow people. This puts attention on you, and it brings you to a higher energy level. Whether peoples' opinions of you are positive or negative doesn't matter, they are paying attention to you and thinking about you. This gives you power. Once you've crossed the threshold and taken this power, it's easy to keep it up.
Once you've got your instrument or your equipment and you've decided to do this thing, the first big step is finding a spot. The only real criteria for success is finding a place that has foot traffic. You want to set up in a place that allows people to easily see and hear you, but not somewhere where you get in the way or block traffic. If someone else is busking in an area, it's probably a good spot.
Most cities have some kind of downtown, and these are often good places to try. Outdoor shopping malls usually have people in a consumerist mood, and are likely to produce some tips before you get kicked out. For times when you're traveling and in a pinch, Walmarts, grocery stores, and gas stations can be your bread and butter.
Big tourist spots are great places to try. Hollywood Blvd. in LA, The Strip in Las Vegas, Bourbon St. or Royal St. in New Orleans, Time Square or The Subway in New York, Haight St. in San Francisco. Those are just a few examples in the US. Every major city has high-traffic areas to try. Go out and explore them!

-Busking Etiquette-

Everyone is out there on their hustle. There are only so many people walking around with money in their pockets, and there are only so many spots, and so many hours in the day. The way that you go about interacting with homebums, cops, audiences, drunk hecklers, and other street performers will either earn you friends and allies or alienate you and make it harder for you to do your thing.
As with trainhopping or hitchhiking, you want to be conscious of how your presence effects the area and people around you. When I say that, I mean don't blow up the spot. Examples of activities that blow up busking spots include performing when you're shit-faced drunk; letting your dog bark, make a mess on the sidewalk, or bite people or dogs; singing racist or hateful lyrics; heckling people, especially women; smoking in an are where people are forced to be exposed to your smoke; getting in fights; or doing anything besides busking to get the cops called on you.
Sometimes police or private security or just employees of businesses will tell you to leave. This is the reason for having a minimal setup, because the best thing you can do is say "okay" and leave. Sometimes you will busk in places where you know you'll get kicked out. Walmarts, grocery stores, and gas stations are all examples of these. The vast majority of the time, store policy says there's "no soliciting" there. Despite this, I often still get a half-hour or more of solid busking before anyone says anything. In American-style freeway stops where there are 2 or 3 or more gas stations and stores in one concentrated area, you can get several hours of good busking time if you just play until you're kicked out of one spot and then move across the street to the next one.
Getting kicked out of a place isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it will actually get you more money. I've had big tips given to me as I was getting kicked out, or even after I left, because people felt bad for me and were enjoying my music before I was told to leave. Be polite, be friendly, try to relate to the person who's kicking you out. More often than not, they don't even want you to leave, they're just following orders because they don't want to loose their job.
When it comes to other performers, in general, if someone is already set up and doing their thing, leave them alone. You can watch and be a good audience member and give them tips to help encourage their audience. You can dance if their music is good and applaud if they're putting on that kind of show. If they're playing music, and you have some kind of musical contribution to offer that you don't think will be over-bearing, you can take a chance and try walking up and playing along. If you do join someone who's already playing, invited or not, don't expect them to split tips with you. The proper way to share tips once a new performer joins is to empty the Hat before you start playing and then split whatever you make after the new person has joined.
Respect seniority when you're busking. Old-timers have likely been busking that spot for years, and probably rely on being able to do their thing there.
Don't get too discouraged by negative reactions to you doing your thing, but do take ques and hints from people. If you see people covering their ears or getting startled by what you're doing, you might be too loud for the particular area you're playing in. If you have songs with lots of cuss words or adult themes, and parents are getting offended, maybe tone it down or find a place with fewer families. If you're finding yourself getting drowned out by traffic or construction noise, find a quieter spot.
Many busking locations have specific rules and regulations that you have to follow. The best way to learn what these are is to blatantly ignore the rules and play wherever you want. Someone will tell you what you're doing wrong. Often, you'll have to buy a permit to busk. A Farmer's Market permit in Moscow, Idaho is $6. A year-long busking permit in Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington is $30. A permit to sell paintings at Jackson Square in New Orleans is $600 a year, and there are only 192 spots. The rules and prices vary everywhere. As with busking in front of gas stations, you can usually get at least some playing in before someone kicks you out or asks for your permit. Sometimes it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

-The Kick Down-

The main type of love that I get from people when busking in 2018 is cash, mostly singles and fives, sometimes pocket change. At Farmers' Markets, I often get fresh fruit or veggies in my case. In Las Vegas, I often get cigarettes, weed, casino chips, and sometimes $20's or even $100's. Many times, I have gotten buisness cards from musicians, producers, and DJ's. A couple times I've gotten numbers from girls. You never know what will end up inside that Hat!
Right now I'm settled down in Santa Barbara. I play for college kids in Isla Vista, which doesn't pay much, but does make me increasingly famous in Southern California. Busking next to one of the popular restaurants, or especially crashing parties with my Saxophone might get me on 200 peoples' Snapchat stories. It helps that Isla Vista has the highest population density of any area West of the Mississippi (there are about 25,000 people living in one square mile, and most of them are 18-26 years old.)
Going downtown to Santa Barbara proper is a totally different scene. It's many tourists, families, international travelers. People are there to shop, wine, and dine. There are many homebums and other buskers there, but again, nearly everyone is playing guitar or percussion, so the Sax stands out. There I more-reliably make money (about $15/hour on average. Sometimes much more, sometimes a little less.)
One great practice I've started to answer the "I don't have any cash" response is to set up a Venmo account and write my username on a piece of cardboard. Simply busking next to a sign that says Venmo: Tall Sam Jones has been surprisingly successful. Sometimes I match whatever I make in cash with my Venmo tips. That is my actual username, by the way, if any of you are particularly appreciative of my writing ;)

Snapchat, Venmo, Instagram, these are the ways in which people interact now, and catering your busk to these services will serve you and help you connect to your audience.

You don't need 10,000 hours of practice to busk. You just need something to play and the will to go out and do it for people. It takes faith, man. You are giving your art away for free and hoping that you might get some appreciation back. In terms of musical development, I've learned as much about performing from 3 years of busking as I did from the same amount of time in music school. Even on days when I barely make enough for bus fare, I feel rejuvenated by sharing music with people, and I feel like it was time well-spent.
As with most of the things I write about here, you'll learn much more from your first real-world experience than you will from reading about it on the internet. Go out there and give it a try! Maybe we can jam together on the street sometime soon.
Good Luck, and remember to drink lots of water.
-Tall Sam Jones
Edit: Thanks for putting some Gold in my Hat!
submitted by PleaseCallMeTall to vagabond [link] [comments]

Heading to Vegas for 4th of July weekend and had some questions.

Hey guys,
I'm heading to Vegas for the 4th of July weekend (July 3rd-7th) and had some questions. It's my first time going since turning 21 (last time I went I was 7 and went with family). I'm going with a group of 3 other guys, we're staying at the Linq and were wondering if there's anything special going on that weekend because of the 4th at any nightclubs or if there were any big events. Also, what are your favorite nightclubs and dayclubs? I was looking online and saw some really good looking ones (Dayclubs - Drai's, Kaos, Marquee Dayclub, Wet Republic, Influence, Encore Beach Club, Daylight, Liquid, & Tao Beach. Nightclubs - Omnia, XS, Jewel, Hakkasan, 1 OAK, Surrender, Tao, Drai's, The Bank, Beacher's Madhouse, and Haze.) We're hoping to party and gamble a little too. Which casinos are best? Which restaurant do we just absolutely have to go to?
Also, some other questions. Would bringing $1,400 be enough for the weekend? We don't plan on seeing any shows (unless you guys absolutely love/recommend them) so the money will be mainly spent on gambling and clubbing. How much are cover fees typically? Also is there any Vegas etiquette that someone should know before hitting up the casino tables or the nightclubs? Any advice on Vegas in general would be great too.
Let me know what you think. Thank you so much!
submitted by PreElement to vegas [link] [comments]

[S3E16] List of all scenes for Season 3

This is my first reddit post, so please be gentle, but do point out any errors of fact or etiquette I've made.
I've spent some time this week getting ready for the finale episodes by making a list of every scene in every Season 3 episode: what time the scene starts, who's in the scene, and a very limited amount of notes for some scenes. There are probably quite a few errors, and I know I haven't classified all the locations yet (like many Silver Mustang scenes are listed as "LV" instead of "SM").
Comments and corrections are very welcome!
TWIN PEAKS SEASON 3 - SCENES location key: BA - Buenos Aires, Argentina Fa - The Farm FH - Fireman's home (the purple place) GN - Great Northern Hotel (in Twin Peaks) LV - Las Vegas, Nevada NM - New Mexico NY - New York City, New York PH - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rh - the Roadhouse (Twin Peaks) RR - Double R Diner (Twin Peaks) SC - Sioux City, South Dakota (Yankton Federal Prison) SD - South Dakota SM - Silver Mustang Casino, Las Vegas TP - Twin Peaks, Washington UT - Utah VA - the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia WA - Washington state, outside of Twin Peaks WR - the Waiting Room (Red room) ? - I don't know. "+" means first appearance ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.1 3:43 FH +???????, +Special Agent Dale Cooper ("Remember 430. Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone.") 6:11 TP +Dr. Lawrence Jacoby, +Delivery Driver 8:28 NY +Sam Colby 12:49 NY Sam, +Guard, +Tracey Barberato 15:40 GN +Beverly Paige, +Ben Horne, +Jerry Horne 18:24 TP +Lucy Brennan, +Man in Suit? 19:35 SD Mr. C (Dale Cooper doppleganger), +Robby, +Otis, +Buella, +Ray Monroe, +Darya 24:30 NY Sam, Tracey, +Experiment Model (@ 33:38) 34:35 SD +Marjorie Green (Buckhorn, South Dakota) 36:15 SD +Officer Olson, +Officer Douglas, Marjorie 38:40 SD +Hank Fillmore, Olson, Douglas, Marjorie 40:10 SD Olson, Douglas, Ruth Davenport 41:27 SD Hank, Olson, Douglas, Ruth, +Detective Dave Macklay, +Constance Talbot 43:40 TP +Margaret Lanterman (The Log Lady), +Deputy Chief Tommy "Hawk" Hill 45:15 SD Constance, Macklay (Buckhorn Police Department) 46:35 SD Macklay, +Phyllis Hastings, +William (Bill) Hastings 48:18 TP Hawk, Lucy, +Deputy Andy Brennan 49:30 SD BHastings, Macklay, +Detective Don Harrison, +Chief Mike Boyd 56:00 SD Macklay, BHastings 56:42 SD Macklay, Harrison, PHastings (lump of meat) ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.2 1:38 SD BHastings, PHastings, Macklay, +George Bautzer (woodsman @ 6:00) 6:18 SD PHastings, Mr. C 7:20 LV +Duncan Todd, +Roger ("why do you let him make you do these things") 9:05 SD Ray, +Jack, Mr. C, Darya (restaurant) 12:07 TP Log Lady, Hawk (Hawk in trees with flashlight) (pool @ 14:34) 15:08 WR Cooper, +Phillip Gerard, +Laura Palmer (red room) ("is it future or is it past?") (white horse @ 22:05) 23:38 WR Cooper, Gerard, +Evolution of the Arm, +BOB 25:20 SD Jack, Mr. C 26:47 SD Mr. C, Darya (calls Phillip Jeffries @ 36:30) (Jeffries: "you're going back in tomorrow, and I will be with BOB again.") Owl Cave symbol playing card @ 34:32 Mr. C: "This is what I want." 39:22 SD Mr. C, +Chantal Hutchens 40:33 WR Cooper, Evolution of the Arm ("253 time and time again") 42:39 WR Cooper, +Leland Palmer ("Leland: Find Laura."), Evolution of the Arm, Gerard ("something's wrong"), Mr. C, doppleganger of the Arm ("non-ex-ist-ent!") 45:25 NY Cooper, Sam, Tracey (box shrinks @ 47:20) 47:59 TP +Sarah Palmer (her house) 49:12 Rh +Chromatics, +Renee, +Shelly Briggs, +Hannah, +James Hurley, +Freddie Sykes, +Red, +Jean-Michel Renault 52:54 Rh credits 54:23 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.3 1:38 FH Cooper (falling through space, then purple place) 4:25 FH +Naido, Cooper, +Major Garland Briggs (number 15, then number 3, "blue rose") 13:16 FH Cooper, +American Girl (Ronette Pulaski?) (watch with 2:53) 14:36 SD Mr. C (clock at 2:53) (in car) 15:03 FH Cooper, American Girl ("When you get there... you will... already be there.") 16:20 PP/SD Cooper, American Girl ("You'd better hurry... my mother is coming."), Mr. C 19:03 LV +Douglas "Dougie" Jones, +Jade, Mr. C (owl ring, Rancho Rosa) 22:27 WR Dougie, Gerard (owl ring) 25:41 LV Cooper, Jade 29:35 LV +Gene, +Jake, Cooper, Jade (Rancho Rosa) 31:45 LV Gene, +Little Boy, +Drugged-out Mother ("one-one-nine!") (Rancho Rosa) 33:30 SD Mr. C, +First Trooper, +Second Trooper (SD Highway Patrol) 34:25 TP Hawk, Andy, Lucy 39:10 TP Jacoby 41:30 SM Jade, Cooper, Laura, +Security Guard (Silver Mustang Casino) 43:40 SM Cooper, Security Guard, +Cashier, +Slot Machine Man, +Lady Slot-Addict 50:25 SM +Floor Attendant Jackie, Cooper 51:25 PH +FBI Deputy Director Gordon Cole, +FBI Agent Albert Rosenfield, +FBI Agent Tammy Preston (FBI Headquarters, Philadelphia, PA) (meeting with strange murder "clues") 55:40 Rh +Cactus Blossoms 57:09 Rh credits 58:40 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: +Wise Guy ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.4 1:40 SM +Pit Boss Warrick, guard, boss, Cooper, Floor Attendant Jackie, Lady Slot-Addict 3:50 SM Cooper, +Bill Shaker, +Candy Shaker 5:55 SM +Supervisor Burns, Mr. C, Warrick 9:35 LV +Limo Driver (Al), Cooper, +Janey-E Jones 13:00 LV Cooper, Janey-E 15:35 PH Cole, +Bill Kennedy, +Denise Bryson 19:40 TP Lucy, +Sheriff Frank Truman, Andy 21:32 TP +dispatcher Maggie Brown, +Deputy Jesse Holcomb, Frank, +Deputy Chad Broxford, +Deputy Bobby Briggs 23:25 TP Lucy, Andy 24:30 TP Frank, Hawk, Chad, Bobby, Jesse, Andy, Lucy 28:45 TP Frank, Andy, Lucy, +Wally "Brando" Brennan 33:30 LV/WR Cooper, Gerard, Janey-E, +Sonny Jim Jones 41:41 SD Constance, Macklay, Boyd 42:10 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy, +FBI Driver (SD airport) 44:00 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy, +Warden Dwight Murphy, +Inspector Randy Hollister, Mr. C (SD prison) 50:13 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy 54:20 Rh +Au Revoir Simone 55:16 Rh credits 56:45 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.5 1:40 LV Gene, Jake, +Lorraine (Rancho Rosa) (Argentina box, message "Argent 2") 3:29 SD Major Briggs, Constance, Macklay, Harrison, (wedding ring in stomach: "To Dougie, with love, Janey-E") 4:33 SC Mr. C, +Prison Tech, BOB ("you're still with me. that's good.") 6:50 TP +Mike Nelson, +Steven Burnett 8:10 TP Frank, Lucy, +Doris Truman 10:46 LV Sonny Jim, Janey-E, Cooper 12:17 LV Gene, Jake (Rancho Rosa) 14:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, +Phil Bisby 16:48 LV Phil, Cooper, +Rhonda, +Frank (Bob Stephenson), +Anthony Sinclair, +Bushnell Mullins, +Darren 23:13 LV Bushnell, Cooper, Phil, Rhonda 25:25 SM Warrick, casino dude, Candie, +Rodney Mitchum, +Bradley Mitchum, +Mandie, +Sandie 28:16 LV Drugged-out Mother, Little Boy, +Punk Leader 30:50 LV Chris, Jade (xxx who is Chris?) 31:47 RR +Norma Jennings, Shelly, +Toad, +Rebecca (Becky) Burnett, Steven 34:11 RR Becky, Steven (cocaine smile) 37:56 LV Cooper, Phil 39:29 TP Andy, Hawk 40:47 TP Jacoby, +Nadine Hurley (Dr. Amp) 45:24 VA +Colonel Davis, +Lieutenant Cynthia Knox (Pentagon, Arlington, VA) (16 fingerprint hits on Major Briggs in last 25 years) 46:40 Rh +Trouble, +Richard Horne, +Charlotte, +Elizabeth, woman, +Federico, Chad 50:56 PH Tammy (Cooper photos & fingerprints) 52:28 SC Mr. C, Warden ("Mr. Strawberry", "the cow jumped over the moon") 55:23 BA (beeping, shrinking box) (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 56:05 LV Cooper, +Officer Reynaldo 56:25 LV credits 58:07 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: +Heidi (fat RR waitress), Hollister, +Detailer, Burns, Jade ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.6 1:43 LV Cooper, Reynaldo 3:27 LV Sonny Jim, Janey-E, Reynaldo, Cooper, +Patrol Officer 6:37 LV Sonny Jim, Cooper (clapper) 9:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sonny Jim 13:12 ? (stop light) 13:30 ?/LV Gerard ("wake up" "don't die"), Cooper (case files scribbles) 18:35 PH Albert, Cole, +Diane Evans (Max Von's Bar) 20:41 TP Red, Richard (coin trick) 27:00 TP Richard 27:24 TP +Carl Rodd, +Mickey 29:33 RR Shelly, +Miriam Sullivan, Heidi 30:57 TP Richard, Carl, +Hit and Run Mom, +Hit and Run Boy, Miriam (yellow "soul", number 6 & 324810) 35:35 LV Todd (computer & folder for Ike) 36:54 LV cops, Drugged-out Mother 37:53 LV +Ike "The Spike" Stadtler 39:33 LV Cooper, Phil, Sinclair, Bushnell (Cooper's scribbles) 45:35 LV Janey-E, +Jimmy, +Tommy 48:04 LV Lorraine, Ike, other woman 49:13 TP Richard 50:15 TP Hawk, Chad (Laura's diary pages) 53:00 TP Maggie, Frank, Chad, Jesse, Doris 54:54 Rh +Sharon Van Etten 56:18 Rh credits 57:52 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Jade ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.7 1:40 WA/GN Jerry, Ben 3:35 TP Hawk, Frank (Laura's diary pages shown) 7:03 TP Frank (on phone to Harry; Laura's diary pages shown) 8:08 TP Andy, Farmer 9:10 TP Frank, +Doc Will Hayward (rising computer screen) 12:50 SD Knox, Macklay 13:40 SD Constance, Major Briggs, Knox, Macklay, Davis, woodsman at 16:08 16:53 PH Cole, Albert 18:20 PH +Younger Man, Cole, Albert, Diane (Diane's house) 21:36 PH Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy (on airplane) (Cooper's fingerprints, photo of Mr. C & mansion) 23:47 SC Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Hollister (Yankton Federal Prison, Sioux City) 24:24 SC Diane, Mr. C 27:05 SC Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Warden 27:33 SC Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy 29:25 SC Mr. C, 2 prison guys 30:02 TP Andy 31:17 TP Warden, Mr. C, 2 prison guys 33:42 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sinclair, +Detective T. Fusco, +Detective "Smiley" Fusco, +Detective D. Fusco, Rhonda, Bushnell (Cooper draws figures) 40:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Ike, Evolution of the Arm 41:25 LV Cooper, Janey-E, +Another Mom, +5-Year-Old Girl, +Soccer Mom 42:10 GN Ben, Beverly (Great Northern Hotel) 46:58 TP Beverly, +Nurse, +Tom Paige 49:18 Rh Renault (sweeping peanut shells) 52:38 SC +Prison Guard, Mr. C, Ray, Warden 55:23 RR Shelly, Norma, +Bing (person asking for Billy) 55:55 RR credits 57:24 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.8 1:42 SD Mr. C, Ray 7:40 SD Mr. C, Ray, woodsmen, BOB (Ray calls Jeffries @ 10:50) 11:20 Rh +MC, +"The" Nine Inch Nails 16:00 SD Mr. C 16:21 NM (July 16, 1945 / White Sands, New Mexico / 5:29 AM (MWT)) 18:28 ? (effects) 21:20 ? woodsmen (Dutchman's / convenience store) 24:10 ? Experiment/mother? 26:20 FH outside purple place. (formed from gold globule seen in previous scene?) 28:55 FH +Senorita Dido 30:25 FH Dido, ??????? 33:54 FH ???????, Dido (movie theater) 36:32 FH ???????, Dido, Laura (gold sparks, gold seed, Laura @ 39:05) 39:35 FH ???????, Dido (Fallopian tube) 40:49 NM +frog-locust (1956 / August 5 / New Mexico desert) 42:52 NM +Girl, +Boy 44:14 NM woodsmen 44:38 NM +New Mexico Husband, +New Mexico Wife, +Woodsman 46:06 NM Girl, Boy 48:34 NM Woodsman 49:11 NM +Disc Jockey, Girl 50:00 NM Woodsman, +Receptionist 51:06 NM Woodsman, Disc Jockey, Girl 51:45 NM "This is the water. And this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within." 54:00 NM Girl, frog-locust 56:35 NM Woodsman leaves, "horse whinnying distantly" 56:44 NM credits 58:04 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.9 1:40 SD Mr. C 2:09 plane Cole, Tammy, Diane, Albert 3:35 SD Mr. C, +Gary "Hutch" Hutchens, Chantal 4:43 plane Cole, Diane, Albert, Tammy 6:41 SD/LV Mr. C, Hutch, Chantal, Todd (text: "around the dinner table the conversation is lively") 9:51 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Bushnell, Fuscos, +Desk Sergeant (Las Vegas Police Department) 18:35 LV Ike, Fuscos, more Las Vegas police 20:40 TP Lucy, Andy (chairs) 23:05 TP +Johnny Horne, +Sylvia Horne 24:02 TP +Betty Briggs, Bobby, Frank, Hawk 27:35 SD Diane, Cole, Tammy, Albert, Knox, Macklay 29:47 SD Constance, Major Briggs, Diane, Cole, Tammy, Albert, Knox, Macklay 32:45 WA? Jerry ("I am not your foot") 34:40 TP Chad, Frank, Hawk, Lucy, Bobby 37:37 TP Frank, Hawk, Bobby (Major Briggs' message @ 39:01: sun over left peak, moon & splotch over right peak 253 yards east of Jack Rabbit's Palace before ... Jack Rabbit's ... put some soil from that area in your pocket 2:53 10/1 10/2. other message: COOPECOOPECO and other stuff) 40:35 SD Diane, Cole, Tammy 42:45 SD BHastings, Tammy, Macklay, Cole, Diane 49:25 GN Ben, Beverly 51:56 Rh +Hudson Mohawke, +Ella, +Chloe 55:06 Rh Au Revoir Simone 56:30 Rh credits 58:09 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Warden Dwight Murphy ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.10 1:41 TP Richard, Miriam (trailer park), Chad 5:04 TP Carl, Steven, Becky (trailer park) 7:00 LV RMitchum, Candie, BMitchum 9:34 LV +Doctor Ben, Dougie, Janey-E 11:49 LV RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie, BMitchum, +Paul, +Sheena, Ike, Soccer Mom, Cooper, Janey-E, Roger? 15:13 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sonny Jim (sex) 18:15 ? (wind howling) 18:37 TP Jacoby, Nadine (Dr. Amp) 20:42 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sonny Jim 21:25 WA Jerry 21:45 TP Lucy, Chad, mailman 24:20 TP Richard, Johnny Horne, Sylvia Horne 28:56 LV Todd, Roger, Sinclair 30:40 SD Albert, Constance, Cole, Tammy 31:25 SM Pit Boss Warrick, Sinclair, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 38:18 LV RMitchum, BMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 40:12 SD Cole, Laura, Albert, Tammy (Diane received: "Around the dinner table, the conversation is lively", sent: "They have Hastings. He's going to take them to the site.") 43:22 GN/TP Ben, Sylvia 44:27 TP Log Lady, Hawk ("Laura is the one.") 46:17 Rh +Rebekah Del Rio, +Musician (Moby) 51:33 Rh credits 53:12 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Fuscos ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.11 1:41 TP +Boy Playing Catch, Miriam (trailer park) 3:07 TP Becky (trailer park), Shelly, Norma, Carl 5:30 TP Becky, Carl, Norma, Maggie, Bobby (Carl's van) 7:02 TP Becky, +Gersten's neighbor, Steven, +Gersten Hayward (Gersten's apartment) 8:14 TP Maggie (police station) 8:51 SD Macklay, WHastings, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Cole, woodsmen (Buckhorn), Ruth Davenport, 13:15 woodsmen @ Dutchman's 16:25 RR Bobby, Becky, Shelly, Norma, Red, +Carrie, +Ralph, +Russ, Jesse, +Woman in Car, +Sick Girl, Toad? 24:55 TP Frank, Hawk, Lucy, Log Lady, Jesse (Indian map, mention Blue Pine Mountain, "day after tomorrow") 29:50 SD Cole, Albert, Diane, Tammy, Macklay (Ruth's coordinates) 33:48 LV Bushnell, Phil, Cooper, Sinclair 37:40 LV BMitchum, RMitchum 39:40 LV Cooper, Bushnell, Gerard, Limo Driver 42:06 LV Cooper, Limo Driver 43:10 LV BMitchum, RMitchum, Cooper, Limo Driver 50:00 LV piano player, Cooper, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Mandie, Sandie, Lady Slot-Addict 55:26 LV credits 57:03 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.12 1:35 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy (Chet Desmond mentioned) 5:35 SD Cole, Albert, Tammy, Diane 7:37 WA Jerry 8:07 TP Sarah, +Check-Out Girl, +Bag-boy 11:25 TP Carl, +Criscol (Kriscol in subtitles) 13:07 LV Cooper, Sonny Jim 13:37 TP (mountain & woods) 13:51 TP Hawk, Sarah (Sarah's house) 16:06 TP Miriam (hospital) 16:32 SD Diane ("Las Vegas?" text, "THEY HAVEN'T ASKED YET") 17:10 GN Ben, Beverly, Frank (Ben's office) 25:25 SD Cole, +French Woman, Albert (hotel) 31:25 UT? Hutch, Chantal, Warden, +Warden Murphy's Son 33:36 TP Jacoby, Nadine (Dr. Amp) 36:27 ? +Audrey Horne, +Charlie (mentions Billy, Tina, Paul, Chuck) 47:17 SD Diane 49:20 TP (woods) 49:42 Rh Chromatics, +Abbie, +Natalie, +Trick (mentions Clark, Mary, Angela) 53:02 Rh credits 54:34 Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.13 1:40 LV BMitchum, RMitchum, Cooper, Sandie, Mandie, Candie, Sinclair, Bushnell, Todd 4:44 LV +Head Mover, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Cooper 7:02 Fa Mr. C, Ray, +Renzo, +Muddy, +Farm Accountant, Richard (Western Montana, "The Farm") 23:25 LV Fuscos, Sinclair, +Detective Clark, +Crooked Partner, Desk Sergeant? 27:05 UT Hutch, Chantal (Utah) 28:00 LV Janey-E, Cooper, Sinclair, +Szymon Waitress, +Man in Urinal 34:22 TP Shelly, Becky 35:50 LV Cooper, Sinclair, Bushnell 38:47 TP Bobby, +RR Diner Waitress, +Big Ed Hurley, Norma, +Walter Lawford 44:52 TP Nadine, Jacoby 47:29 TP Sarah 50:14 ? Audrey, Charlie 53:10 Rh MC, James, +Backup Singer #2, +Backup Singer #3, Renee 56:30 TP Big Ed 57:39 TP credits (Big Ed) 59:11 Lynch/Frost Productions xxx owl ring in 3.13 somewhere. ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.14 1:41 SD/TP Cole, Lucy, Frank 4:20 SD Albert, Tammy, Cole, Diane why was ring in Major Briggs' stomach? 9:22 SD/LV Albert, Tammy, Cole, Diane, +Special Agent Randall Headley, +Agent Wilson 11:21 dream Cole, +Monica Bellucci, Cooper, Tammy, Albert, +Phillip Jeffries 14:39 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, Chad 16:10 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, "it's 2:53" 22:00 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, Naido 24:34 TP Andy, The Fireman, Experiment?, Woodsman, Laura, Naido, Cooper, Mr. C, Lucy, 29:00 number 6 29:40 TP Andy, Hawk, Bobby, Frank, Naido 31:00 TP Naido, Andy, Lucy, Chad, +Drunk 33:43 TP Freddie, James 43:26 TP Sarah, +Trucker (@Elk's Point Bar #9), 47:48 face, Experiment?, +Bartender 49:19 Rh +Megan, +Sophie mention Paula, Tina, Billy 52:41 Rh MC, +Lissie 54:25 Rh credits xxx BOB here somewhere? ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.15 1:41 TP (woods & mountains) 2:02 TP Nadine, Big Ed 5:30 RR Big Ed, Norma, Walter, Shelly 10:42 Dut Mr. C, woodsman, +Jumping Man, +Bosomy Woman (the Dutchman's) (number 8 on Jeffries' door) 17:22 Dut Mr. C, Jeffries' apparatus ("who is Judy?") (the Dutchman's) 21:18 Dut Mr. C, Richard (text "Las Vegas?") 24:08 TP +Cyril Pons, Gersten, Steven 30:05 TP Cyril, Carl (Fat Trout Trailer Park) 30:50 Rh MC, James, Freddie, Renee, +Chuck, +Skipper 33:18 LV Headley, Wilson 34:00 LV Todd, Roger, Chantal 34:55 TP Drunk, Chad, Freddie, Hawk, Bobby, James, Naido (jail) 36:35 LV Hutch, Chantal 37:54 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim 41:55 TP Log Lady, Hawk 45:39 TP Frank, Bobby, Lucy, Andy, Hawk 47:40 ? Audrey, Charlie 50:30 Rh +The Veils, +Ruby 53:22 Rh credits 54:57 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Albert ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.16 1:42 ? Mr. C, Richard 5:02 ? Mr. C, Richard, Jerry (":-) ALL." @ 9:29) 9:50 LV Hutch, Chantal, Headley, Wilson 12:40 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Bushnell 13:40 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Bushnell, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 17:56 LV Hutch, Chantal, +Polish Accountant, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 24:25 LV Cooper, Gerard (owl ring, seed), Sonny Jim, Janey-E, Bushnell, +Female Doctor 29:12 LV Cooper, Bushnell, BMitchum, RMitchum, Candie, Sandie, Mandie 30:18 LV Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Headley 31:33 SD Diane (coordinates: 48551420117163956 34:45 SD Cole, Tammy, Albert, Diane ("I'm in the sheriff's station", "I'm not me") 42:10 ? Diane, Gerard (seed) 43:26 SM Cooper, Janey-E, Sonny Jim, Mitchums (Silver Mustang Casino) 47:05 LV Cooper, Mitchums, Candies 48:38 Rh MC, +Edward Louis Severson (Eddie Vedder) 50:53 Rh Audrey, Charlie, +Throwing Man, +Man Hit with Bottle (Monique mentioned) 56:12 Rh credits 57:36 Lynch/Frost Productions somewhere: Phil ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.17 1:?? 5?:?? ?? credits 5?:?? Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ EPISODE 3.18 1:?? 5?:?? ?? credits 5?:?? Lynch/Frost Productions ______________________________________________________________________ 
submitted by youbigsausage to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

Jayne's guide to Eve Vegas

Hello friends!

I'm off to Eve Vegas tomorrow for the third time, but before I do I thought I would take some time to share my experiences from previous years, as well as some protips for getting the most out of your Vegas experience. If you're simply watching the stream from the comforts of your own home, that's cool and this post won't actually do much for you except make you insanely jealous for not actually being in Vegas and partying it up with a ton of really cool people.

First off, if you don't use twitter, get a twitter account.

A lot of us joke that half of #EveVegas happens on twitter, but it becomes less and less of a joke every year. Beyond the flurry of people who live tweet all the presentations and major announcements, twitter has been invaluable in past years to coordinate between who is where and what's going on. If you're trying to meet up with someone outside of your corporation, alliance, coalition, whatever... your super cool discord/slack/jabbeskype isn't going to cut it. Get twitter even if it's only a token one for your Eve personality, and then tweet #EveVegas to your heart's content. Especially if you're not coming with a group or from a major alliance, this is how you'll best find groups of players as they roam around to presentations, restaurants, etc.

Day 1

The first day is pretty chill. You can register and get your namecard anytime after 1100, all the way up until the first presentation at 1600. Some people say you should show up early to avoid the line, because the line is always fucking huge, but really this is the first time where everyone is going to be in the same relative area. Even after you've checked in you should hang around and talk to everyone! This is the perfect place to meet people who you've only ever talked to ingame, make a temporary peace with old and current rivals (Hi doomchinchila!), as well as meet new cool people from corners of the universe that you never really interact with. Yes, miners and explorers DO actually show up to these events. Be nice to them you elitist pricks.


Starting at 4pm we have the real meat and potatoes of the event, the "Welcome to Eve Vegas" presentation as well as the "Eve Online Keynote". Usually, all of the major reveals will happen during the keynote. The rest of the presentations over the weekend will flesh out the details more, but there are rarely any major reveals in any of the presentations other than the keynotes. You do NOT want to miss this presentation under any circumstance. Pretty much all other presentations are optional, but this one is a must attend. If a new trailer is going to be released, it'll be during the keynote, and it's always a good ol' time with screaming and cheering.
After that is a break and then the pub crawl, but this is actually my first year going on it so no protips. Sorry!

Day 2

First time attendees are usually surprised by how lowkey the Saturday schedule really is. There's not a lot going on overall, only 4 roundtables, 3 developer presentations, and 8 player presentations. All of these are essentially optional. Go to the ones that interest you, don't go to the ones that you don't care about - the details will be on reddit later anyway. More importantly, there is cool shit to do like play Eve: Valkyrie, compete in sweet 5v5 Eve tournaments, and chill with developers and players alike. Since the day covers a lot of important stuff, I'd like to just touch on a couple of etiquette points.


The devs are going to be everywhere. If you get starstruck when CCP Guard or CCP Falcon strolls by, well.... don't be. They're real people and they've been under a lot of pressure to make sure that this event is a success. Most are really chill people, but they're also in Vegas and you should keep in mind that Eve is their actual job. Please under no circumstance should you pitch your fabulous new idea to them, try to appeal your egregiously unfair permaban, or do anything other than share your passion for the game and its community.

What do you call people?

While I'm on the topic, I figure I'd just chuck it in here. The question comes up every year with first time event attendees - what do we actually call each other? Put simply, it's entirely player preference. For example, my real name is obviously not "Jayne Fillon", but I will still introduce myself as "Jayne" to anyone I meet at Vegas. Someone with a less conversationally friendly name like "The Mittani" will likely want to be called "Alex" instead, but it's up to them. You are under no obligation to reveal your real name. If you have a name that can't be shortened to something easily disguised as "normal" when you're out and about, either come up with a nick or use a pseudonym.

Player Presentations

The player presentations are a mixed bag. Some are awesome, and some are complete and utter shit. In previous years, if you agreed to do a player presentation you got a free ticket to Eve Vegas including travel and accommodation thankfully, this is no longer the case and we don't have people putting together token presentations just so they can get a free trip to Vegas. Long story short with the player presentations is that they are not meant for a wide audience. Each person will be presenting on a subset of their experiences or knowledge. Feel free to come and go as you please, it is not considered rude to leave during a presentation, or arrive late.


The roundtables can be pretty cool, but have sadly been pretty disappointing in previous years. The devs aren't super open with revealing new information at these, so if you're watching from home don't worry about missing anything. If something does leak, it'll be all over twitter in half a second anyway. The best parts of these presentations are usually devs roasting famous players, including the time CCP Larrikin asked Grath "are you a fucking poor?". If you are deadset on proposing a new idea to a developer while at Vegas, this is probably the best time to do so without looking like an idiot. However, some advice for asking a question is as follows:
Start with an open ended question so that the dev can talk about their thought process first, which everyone will benefit from hearing. Instead of saying "You should cut the Svipul powergrid in half" you could instead ask "What do you think about the state of balance for the Svipul?" and then follow up with "Do you think that a reducing the Svipul's powergrid would help?". How you ask your question will greatly affect how positively the devs respond. Additionally, no one can stop you, but if you ask a bunch of stupid questions or waste the dev's time you make the entire playerbase look bad, so don't fucking do it. Or I'll find you. I will.

Chateau Party

This is really the only mandatory event of day 2 in my honest opinion. This party is amazing. Open bar, live performance from permaband, and socializing with all the best people New Eden has to offer. Mingle, chat, deal, scheme, sucker punch someone in an elevator.... it's all fair game, and it's a helluva good time. The dress code is business casual, which means you'll want to wear dress pants and a dress shirt at the very least, with nice shoes. For ladies, just look nice. Although technically you could show up looking like shit with sneakers and a tshirt, you'll be kicked out at 2300, and you'll look like shit. So don't do that. If you don't have dress clothes, don't be ashamed, just ask around and some people will surely help you out. Most Eve people leave at around 2300 once the venue is opened up to the rest of the public, and the event attendees either branch off to other clubs, or go to hotel rooms hosted by various alliances.

Day 3

More optional stuff until the closing ceremony at 1500. Most people will be super hungover and probably not have gone to bed until the sun came up, so a 1030 start is pretty optimistic for most. The poor bastards who have to work on Monday morning will be checking out and getting ready for flights, so Sunday is more of a day to talk about what you're going to do once you return to the virtual world, say your goodbyes, and just relax attending whatever presentations interest you. The closing ceremony is a good time and you don't want to miss it.
If you've a veteran Eve Vegas attendee who has something to add, leave a comment below! If you're a first time attendee and has a questions about what something is going to be like, also leave a comment! To all of you who are already there, I'll see you soon! Spectre Fleet is hosting a lunch at Planet Dailies this Friday at 1200, which is on the casino floor of the Planet Hollywood - all are welcome.
Twitter @SF_Jayne
submitted by JayneF to Eve [link] [comments]

Casino Etiquettes for the Beginners

Casino Etiquettes for the Beginners
Whether you are hitting the local casino for the first time or making your trip to Las Vegas, you must be pretty excited about it. Right? That’s all very exciting. But before you are carried away, let’s take you through the vital casino etiquettes to help you take things in your stride. Here’s a compiled list of rules by that one must learn before hitting the casino.

1. Be Wary of the Age Rules

18 is not considered an adult in the casino terms. You can’t even set your foot in gambling unless you are 21. And, they will always ask for age proof. Believe it or not, your every movement in the casino are being closely watched out by the circuit cameras. So, do the guards and pit bosses. Even if you are playing slots with a child merely sitting by your side, guards will ask you to leave.

2. Mobile Phones are Frowned Upon

Any personal electronic devices including your mobile phones are banned in the casino rulebook. So, if you feel that your life will end if the phone is not cradled in your palm, then the casino is definitely not for you. Casinos block the cell phones right on the entrance. The objective is to prevent all sorts of distractions while seated on a casino game.

3. Be Smart & Well Dressed

While the big casinos are somewhat relaxed in terms of dressing code, there are other casinos which follow a specific dress code. Get to know these before you set out for one. You may require to wear a shirt and smart trousers in some places.

4. Maintain Your Calm

The seasoned players are quite used to it, but if you are a newbie and not aware of the uncertainties of the casino games, you might get fired up for a fight. But, that’s totally against the casino rulebook. Casinos are for entertainment, and people arrive to unwind and enjoy a good dose of fun. Unnecessary outbursts and fights can heat up the ambiance leaving you completely outside the casino. Refrain from wiles and arguments with the dealers as well.

5. Follow the Behavioural Code While Buying Chip

Refrain from handing out cash to the dealers while buying chips. This behavior is outright insulting and against the casino rule. The dealer will neither accept it this way. Instead, lay the cash right on the table. Such a strategy is followed in every casinos, so that the cameras inside the casino can take a look if there are any shady dealings. Wait until the cash table arrives between your hands. Wait until the table arrives between hands and put your money down on the table.
Even if you are having a good deal of cash, refrain from making a show off of your big bills. It might appear cocky to the ones who have lost all that night. Secondly, it might attract unscrupulous people.

6. Make Tipping Classy

Showing some love to the dealers won’t do any harm. After all, they are the ones who make your gaming experience a breeze. Neither you have to pay a big streak as a tip. A simple $1 to $10 will be enough.
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to give your adrenaline a perfect shot!
submitted by suparblog to u/suparblog [link] [comments]

DogeVegas: BitVegas Minecraft Server, but for DOGE (Coming Soon!)

Hello my fellow shibe, (Disclaimer: I am new to Reddit in general, so if I say something that is against standard Reddit etiquette, please let me know, so I can correct myself) I'm sure many of you remember BitVegas, which was a Minecraft server that was a generous faucet that also allowed users to deposit and withdraw BTC and play with them on casino games and the like.
I have already programmed almost everything that is needed for the server, like a Dogecoin plugin that integrates with Vault, a Roulette Plugin, a plugin that makes your level show your account balance, etc. I have even created a DogeVegas texture pack from the ground-up. My intentions for the server are to create a self-sustaining faucet that everyone can benefit from, but there are a couple obstacles that I would like some advice before I launch the server (after some more testing): 1) I need a server. I know that there are countless server companies out there, but I would really like to rent from somewhere that accepts DOGE, so the server could almost automatically pay for itself, but all of the dogedirectory hosts and company are out of business. Is there anyone that you would recommend? 2) I live in the US (California to be specific), and we have some online gambling laws. As it stands right now, my understanding is that: a) DOGE is not a currency, it is a commodity, which you can legally "gamble," b) I'm not doing this for profit, so I wouldn't be a casino the normal sense, but instead, users could play the games for a chance at prizes, and losses are like donations to help support the server. I do not think that it would be illegal for me to do this, and I'm considering speaking to a local attorney to be sure, but before I waste the money, is there anything glaring that I have overlooked? 3) I only have roulette. I was considering having a daily or hourly lottery, but other than those two items, there are no games. With the exception of the obvious: Blackjack and Slots, what other games would be good additions for me to add? Preview Image
submitted by Penguinchao to dogecoin [link] [comments]

"Out-of-towners" Guide: Other Attractions/Gameday

First off, if you haven't seen the original post yet, check it out here. This will detail the project, as well as explain why this will be useful.
So, I need help with the following portions of the guide:
Topics that fall under gameday are ones such as: ticketing/security/finding your seats, seat advice, food in the stadium, etc. This is the largest part of the guide, and I can't write this alone because I have never been to UoP Stadium myself.
Also, this is what I have so far, let me know what you think and if I should make any edits:
If you’re reading, you’re probably traveling to Phoenix (actually Glendale) to watch your team play the Cardinals. Well, i’ve got bad news for you: sold out. Not really, but use this guide to help you plan your trip and get the most out of your trip to the desert.
So, how do I get to the city in the middle of the desert that somebody named Phoenix?
There are a variety of ways to get into Phoenix:
Major Highways: I-10, I-17, US-60
Las Vegas to Stadium: 4 Hours, 22 Minutes
Los Angeles to Stadium: 5 Hours, 25 Minutes
Flagstaff to Stadium: 2 Hours, 5 Minutes
Albuquerque to Stadium: 6 Hours, 45 Minutes
San Diego to Stadium- 5 Hours, 8 Minutes
Where should I stay during my visit?
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa
Staybridge Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Hampton Inn & Suites Phoenix Glendale-Westgate
Springhill Suites Phoenix Glendale Sports & Entertainment District
For those of you on a tight budget, you have options as well:
Motel 6 Glendale
Days Inn Peoria Glendale Area
What is there to eat around the Glendale area?
I’ll turn this one over to u/Deets327:
Food near the stadium: Westgate Entertainment District is just north of University of Phoenix Stadium (easy walking distance), and holds several restaurants and places to have a drink.
The good: Yard House. A touch on the pricey side, but great above-average quality pub food and classier entrees. Huge selection of beer. Tough to get a table on gameday.
Whiskey Rose. Sports bar atmosphere with slightly country aesthetic. Not much in the way of beer choices, but good gameday specials and solid appetizers. Really cute waitresses.
Saddle Ranch. Lots of soccer moms cutting loose on the weekends. Decent food, okay beers and highly-country atmosphere. Decent enough if you can ignore the music.
Hell's Half Acre. Good selection of beer, waitresses dance on poles, good gameday specials on shots and beers. Busy on gameday. Country/Metal atmosphere.
Bar Louie. Pretty standard fare. Decent back-up if the wait for Yard House is too long.
Mama Gina's. Decent pizza and Italian fare. A little too heavy for gameday in my opinion, but a decent enough, family-friendly atmosphere if you're bringing the kids.
Salt Taco y Tequila. More upper-class than Calico Jacks (see below), with solid margarita selection. Less a place to grab a quick bite and more of a sit-down atmosphere. Good food.
The bad: Calico Jacks. Shitty beer selection, rushed wait staff and average-at-best Mexican food. Avoid it on the weekends, as it turns into a loud, crowded dance club.
McFadden's. Faux-Irish "pub" that also turns into a dance club on the weekends. Okay beer selection, but overpriced. Caters very strongly to away fans on gameday.
u/smashingpimp01 also strongly recommended Carolina's
I'm just going to add, last year I flew to Arizona and asked in this subbreddit what places to check out. Someone recommended Carolinas for Mexican food. It was life changing. Me and my cousin still talk about it. So much so that we actually added an extra day to this years trip just to go there since they are closed on Sunday.
Also, according to u/cardinals1996, McFadden's has been known to steal their customer's credit card information.
Alright, I know how to get there, where to stay, and where to eat. So, where can I buy my tickets?
Hint: Buy them in advance.
Stadium Website
Seating Chart
Make sure to buy your tickets well in advance of the season so you can have them ready, and use caution when buying from a separate dealer and/or an individual. People may be trying to scam you.
Well, the logistics of my trip are set, but I have a few extra days in the area set aside to explore. What should I do?
u/cwdBeebs had some ideas:
It kind of depends on how long you are staying for and how you are getting here. If you are making a road trip out, a lot of people love Sedona. It's between here and Flagstaff. I'm on mobile and can't link but just do an image search on it. If you like outdoors stuff, you'll probably live it. The Indian Casinos are pretty nice too. A few of them are quite a bit more than just a casino. Talking Stick Resort and Wildhorse Resort are my favorites. Talking Stick also has a pretty good golf course. I've lived in Arizona my whole life so if anyone has any questions or wants travel tips, feel free to PM me or ask here.
Gameday! How to I get to the stadium so I can watch my team get demolished by the clearly better team, and leave disappointed?
For anyone that hasn't been to a game before, please PLEASE know that they will not allow any purses inside the stadium. The only ones they allow are clear ones. My girlfriend basically uses what I call a big wallet when we go. Anyway, you will have to walk back to your car (odds are that'll be a long ass walk btw) and leave it there.
If you are traveling to the stadium, make sure to read this guide to get some basic rules/tips/etiquette for your visit to the stadium.
Some important parts of the guide include:
  • Aisle Policy- Policy that states fans returning from food area, restrooms, etc., should wait for on-field play to end before returning to their seats to maximize the enjoyment for all fans. this policy is also referred to as "Wait For The Whistle."
  • No Pets- Only service/guide/signal animals will be allowed to enter the stadium
  • Bag Policy (READ THIS): In accordance with the NFL’s Public Safety Policy, fans can bring one of the following approved bags inside University of Phoenix Stadium: 12” x 6” x 12” clear plastic bag, or; 1-Gallon Plastic Freezer Bag, or; Small Clutch bad no larger than 4.5” x 6.5” in size. Fans should be prepared to open their bags for inspection and may be asked by security staff to shift and possibly remove the contents. Non-approved bags will be denied entry into the stadium and fans will be asked to return the bag to their vehicle or dispose of it. There are no lockers outside of the stadium to store items nor can any items be held by staff members.
  • Restrooms- There are 50 restrooms in the stadium, and most are clearly marked
  • Smoking- In accordance with the Smoke-Free Arizona Act, University of Phoenix Stadium is a non-smoking facility. There are three designated smoking locations on the main concourse located beyond the Gate 2 exterior gate and outside the exit doors at Sections 102 and 137. Fans on the Club level, Loft corridor and terrace level can proceed to the designated smoking locations on the north ramp. Please remember to the keep the north ramp walk aisles clear for other fans and smoke only in the designated areas. Fans outside the stadium are reminded that they must be at least 20 feet away from any stadium entrance to smoke. E-cigarettes are not permitted inside University of Phoenix Stadium. Fans that do not comply with the smoking policy inside the stadium are subject to ejection.
Make sure to read the guide for more information on basic rules for the stadium.
Where do I tailgate before the game?
The Great Lawn is a great place to tailgate pre-game.
Also, if you have more questions, post a thread in this subreddit and i'm sure people will be more than happy to assist you wih your trip.
submitted by sssl3 to AZCardinals [link] [comments]

As a stranger to your lands. I have no idea what to tip.

Hi everyone. I am sure this is post number 3456 about Vegas etiquette. Being from Edinburgh, Scotland (take that Excalibur) tipping is not something that is a defacto standard. However I know that many people in the Vegas service industry relay on tips to supplement their income. So as I wish to be a good guest in your city, I would like to know how much to tip.
My cab driver,Front desk clerk, Cocktail Waitress, Casino staff should the unlikely happen and I win big, Room service, Anyone else.
Tipping is not really done in Scotland, yea we let cab drivers keep the change, well I do anyway.
Also me and my friends like Rock music. What bars or clubs cater for that crowd? Also having watched Fox News a few times for the lulzs, my impression of US culture is that you are all gun toting nut jobs, who love nothing better than going on a shooting rampage. I assume the Strip is well policed yes? Also where may I practice your second amendment rights and fire high powered automatic weapons in a safe enviroment?
Bus tours to the Hoover dam worth it? Is the Grand Canyon worth the long journey, roughly how much would a helicopter tour be?
Oh now this is a long shot but really important. Is there anywhere where I could buy Bavarian imported Beer? Having went on a trip to Munich a few years ago. I find myself buying Bavarian Beer lots, specifically a beer callled Augustiner Helles. I would love to be able to sink a few of those in Vegas
I am happy to answer questions about Tourism in Edinburgh and the UK in general. I know I am asking a lot but I like to be prepared.
submitted by Lofarl to vegas [link] [comments]

"Out of Towners" Guide: Completed guide

First off, if you haven't seen the original post yet, check it out here. This will detail the project, as well as explain why this will be useful.
So, i've created the whole guide, along with input from you all, and the guide is finished and copied in below. Please alert me to any misinformation, grammar errors, formatting issues, or information that could be added.
If you’re reading, you’re probably traveling to Phoenix (actually Glendale) to watch your team play the Cardinals. Well, i’ve got bad news for you: sold out. Not really, but use this guide to help you plan your trip and get the most out of your trip to the desert.
So, how do I get to the city in the middle of the desert that somebody named Phoenix?
There are a variety of ways to get into Phoenix:
Major Highways: I-10, I-17, US-60
Las Vegas to Stadium: 4 Hours, 22 Minutes
Los Angeles to Stadium: 5 Hours, 25 Minutes
Flagstaff to Stadium: 2 Hours, 5 Minutes
Albuquerque to Stadium: 6 Hours, 45 Minutes
San Diego to Stadium- 5 Hours, 8 Minutes
Where should I stay during my visit?
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa
Staybridge Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Hampton Inn & Suites Phoenix Glendale-Westgate
Springhill Suites Phoenix Glendale Sports & Entertainment District
For those of you on a tight budget, you have options as well:
Motel 6 Glendale
Days Inn Peoria Glendale Area
What is there to eat around the Glendale area?
I’ll turn this one over to u/Deets327:
Food near the stadium: Westgate Entertainment District is just north of University of Phoenix Stadium (easy walking distance), and holds several restaurants and places to have a drink.
The good: Yard House. A touch on the pricey side, but great above-average quality pub food and classier entrees. Huge selection of beer. Tough to get a table on gameday.
Whiskey Rose. Sports bar atmosphere with slightly country aesthetic. Not much in the way of beer choices, but good gameday specials and solid appetizers. Really cute waitresses.
Saddle Ranch. Lots of soccer moms cutting loose on the weekends. Decent food, okay beers and highly-country atmosphere. Decent enough if you can ignore the music.
Hell's Half Acre. Good selection of beer, waitresses dance on poles, good gameday specials on shots and beers. Busy on gameday. Country/Metal atmosphere.
Bar Louie. Pretty standard fare. Decent back-up if the wait for Yard House is too long.
Mama Gina's. Decent pizza and Italian fare. A little too heavy for gameday in my opinion, but a decent enough, family-friendly atmosphere if you're bringing the kids.
Salt Taco y Tequila. More upper-class than Calico Jacks (see below), with solid margarita selection. Less a place to grab a quick bite and more of a sit-down atmosphere. Good food.
The bad: Calico Jacks. Shitty beer selection, rushed wait staff and average-at-best Mexican food. Avoid it on the weekends, as it turns into a loud, crowded dance club.
McFadden's. Faux-Irish "pub" that also turns into a dance club on the weekends. Okay beer selection, but overpriced. Caters very strongly to away fans on gameday.
u/smashingpimp01 also strongly recommended Carolina's
I'm just going to add, last year I flew to Arizona and asked in this subbreddit what places to check out. Someone recommended Carolinas for Mexican food. It was life changing. Me and my cousin still talk about it. So much so that we actually added an extra day to this years trip just to go there since they are closed on Sunday.
Also, according to u/cardinals1996, McFadden's has been known to steal their customer's credit card information.
Alright, I know how to get there, where to stay, and where to eat. So, where can I buy my tickets?
Hint: Buy them in advance.
Stadium Website
Seating Chart
Make sure to buy your tickets well in advance of the season so you can have them ready, and use caution when buying from a separate dealer and/or an individual. People may be trying to scam you.
Well, the logistics of my trip are set, but I have a few extra days in the area set aside to explore. What should I do?
u/cwdBeebs had some ideas:
It kind of depends on how long you are staying for and how you are getting here. If you are making a road trip out, a lot of people love Sedona. It's between here and Flagstaff. I'm on mobile and can't link but just do an image search on it. If you like outdoors stuff, you'll probably live it. The Indian Casinos are pretty nice too. A few of them are quite a bit more than just a casino. Talking Stick Resort and Wildhorse Resort are my favorites. Talking Stick also has a pretty good golf course. I've lived in Arizona my whole life so if anyone has any questions or wants travel tips, feel free to PM me or ask here.
Gameday! How do I get to the stadium so I can watch my team get demolished by the clearly better team, and leave disappointed?
For anyone that hasn't been to a game before, please PLEASE know that they will not allow any purses inside the stadium. The only ones they allow are clear ones. My girlfriend basically uses what I call a big wallet when we go. Anyway, you will have to walk back to your car (odds are that'll be a long ass walk btw) and leave it there.
If you are traveling to the stadium, make sure to read this guide to get some basic rules/tips/etiquette for your visit to the stadium.
Some important parts of the guide include:
  • Aisle Policy- Policy that states fans returning from food area, restrooms, etc., should wait for on-field play to end before returning to their seats to maximize the enjoyment for all fans. this policy is also referred to as "Wait For The Whistle."
  • No Pets- Only service/guide/signal animals will be allowed to enter the stadium
  • Bag Policy (READ THIS): In accordance with the NFL’s Public Safety Policy, fans can bring one of the following approved bags inside University of Phoenix Stadium: 12” x 6” x 12” clear plastic bag, or; 1-Gallon Plastic Freezer Bag, or; Small Clutch bad no larger than 4.5” x 6.5” in size. Fans should be prepared to open their bags for inspection and may be asked by security staff to shift and possibly remove the contents. Non-approved bags will be denied entry into the stadium and fans will be asked to return the bag to their vehicle or dispose of it. There are no lockers outside of the stadium to store items nor can any items be held by staff members.
  • Restrooms- There are 50 restrooms in the stadium, and most are clearly marked
  • Smoking- In accordance with the Smoke-Free Arizona Act, University of Phoenix Stadium is a non-smoking facility. There are three designated smoking locations on the main concourse located beyond the Gate 2 exterior gate and outside the exit doors at Sections 102 and 137. Fans on the Club level, Loft corridor and terrace level can proceed to the designated smoking locations on the north ramp. Please remember to the keep the north ramp walk aisles clear for other fans and smoke only in the designated areas. Fans outside the stadium are reminded that they must be at least 20 feet away from any stadium entrance to smoke. E-cigarettes are not permitted inside University of Phoenix Stadium. Fans that do not comply with the smoking policy inside the stadium are subject to ejection.
Make sure to read the guide for more information on basic rules for the stadium.
Where do I tailgate before the game?
The Great Lawn is a great place to tailgate pre-game.
Also, if you have more questions, post a thread in this subreddit and i'm sure people will be more than happy to assist you with your trip.
submitted by sssl3 to AZCardinals [link] [comments]

Thanks Carl... Pit Boss melt down justified?

New(ish) player here. Decided to head up to the casinos west of Denver (Monarch in Black Hawk, CO) with my bro-in-law since he couldn't make my Vegas bachelor party. I haven't played in the last 5-6 years, so I was rusty on my table etiquette. We were only there to gamble and didn't drink at all.
The first few hours were super cold. I had been playing the Pass/Come and the casino offers 10x odds on any bet. My plan was to start with small odds (usually 2-4x) on all numbers and press them as I go. No hard ways or other bets.
At about midnight, another group of dudes join us on our side of the table and they were only betting the hard ways... this is where the fun begins. They were also up and down, but hit them enough to keep going. Needless to say, they were hitting the alcohol pretty hard and just having a good time. Even in their drunken state, they were only loud and clapped when they hit and were always respectful to and tipped the dealers. We were also tipping throughout the session.
It's about 1:30 in the AM and I was down about $280 and my bro-in-law is the shooter. He proceeds to get hot. Before I know it, all the come bets have about 6-8x odds on them and the drunken dudes are hitting their hard ways left and right. The table is getting rowdy and having a good time.
After about 25 minutes, enter Carl, the Pit Boss. After 2 throws, he asks my bro-in-law to make sure he throws the dice over the hard way bets in the middle (one die hit and knocked 2 chips over while the other hit the back wall on a hard 8). My bro-in-law complied and threw for another 5 minutes without a die touching the hard ways (they did hit chips on the other side since the table was packed and there wasn't much green left).
At this point I have maxed out all come bets and my pass line to 10x odds and am riding the wave. This was $50 odds on a $5 original min bet. My bro-in-law shoots and the dice land near Carl along the side where the casino chips are stacked neatly, but don't touch anything and still land on the other side of the table. Carl gets up and gets in my bro-in-law's face and rudely proclaims "Hey! I told you to hit the back wall!" and the only slightly rude dealer all night says "please follow the rules."
First, he only gave the instructions to not hit the hard way bets and never asked to hit the back wall. It was a poor shot, but was out of the norm of where my bro-in-law had been throwing. This set my bro-in-law off and he asked to take all of his chips off. Feeling the negativity of the moment, I followed suit and removed $300 (4, 5, 6, 8, 10 + pass) worth of odds. I told my bro-in-law to calm down and shoot until he crapped out since we played the sharpshooter sucker bet for our throws and it was going to pay since he had already hit the point 3x.
In his pissed off state, he chunks the dice off the back wall and they ricochet back into the hard ways, splashes the chips and craps out with a 7 7'd out... Carl's face went bright red and we walked away with a lot more money than we would have if we didn't pull our odds bets. The mood is killed and all but 3 players leave.
TLDR: Got hot, table got crowded and loud. Pit boss gave 1 warning to throw over the hard ways and then got in my bro-in-law's face for not hitting the back wall after a bad throw. We pulled our odds after this and crapped 7'd out on the next throw.
I've never seen a pit boss literally get in somebody's face and point. Has anybody else had this issue? We don't plan on going back to that casino.
submitted by FrankDuxSpinKick to Craps [link] [comments]

With Thanksgiving a few days away, I thought I would post an old guide I made on getting the most out of eating buffet style. Enjoy. Eat well but please be safe.

This is the definitive guide to becoming a seasoned all-you-can-eat buffeter. If you would like to gain knowledge of each and every aspect that lay between you and getting the most fulfilling meal possible you have come to the right place. You will learn with specific techniques the dos and don’ts that every professional smorgasbord eater must adhere to. Within these tough economic times it is important to make sure our dollar stretches as far as possible. This surely will help the pocket book and keep your belly full. The sections covered are as follows:
Being that this is all-inclusive some items may be considered satirical and some factual, due to this there may be conflicting points or seemly hypocritical statements, please keep that mind. Depending on one’s plan of attack on the buffet certain points will or will not be relevant.
If your health is no concern and being able to actually walk back and forth from your table to the buffet stations does not bother you then read on to learn the best, quickest way to find yourself in a motorized cart.
Types of Buffets Chinese – Located in any town with a population over 500 there will be a Super, Star, King, Garden Something or Rather Buffet. Most all will have sweet & sour soup, egg flower soup and wonton soup. You’ll find typical American-Chinese dishes such as lo-mein, sweet & sour chicken, egg rolls, pot stickers, broccoli beef, General Tso’s chicken and fried rice all loaded with exorbitant amounts of MSG. Most will have a small selection of “sushi” which is really just some vegetables and imitation crab meat wrapped in seaweed and rice. To cater to the kids you’ll usually find French fries, pizza, macaroni & cheese, onion rings or spaghetti. The desserts are airy light “cakes” of chocolate, coconut or vanilla along with almond cookies and baked Chinese cookies. Oddly these will have absolutely no weight or sustenance yet will still add to your waistline. Jell-O is a staple as well as bananas covered in some strange strawberry sauce. They will typically have a soft serve ice cream machine (working or not). The more upscale ones will have shrimp, crab legs and possibly a Mongolian BBQ station.
Sushi – These are usually fairly expensive and come in two varieties. The first being a regular sushi restaurant that offers an all-you-can-eat sushi option which is made to order. You normally are allowed 2 to 3 orders at a time and once finished you’ll be allowed to order more. They will typically be very vocal about any sharing and any leftover rolls. There is a high probability that they will charge you for any rolls not consumed or may not allow you to order more until you’ve eaten what has already been made. They are notoriously stingy and keep a watchful eye. Some diners have been known to employ the shelter of salads or miso soups to hide leftover sushi pieces.
The second type is set up as a regular buffet and has many varieties of sushi (15-30 different selections) along with other Japanese and Chinese dishes. They will usually have different salads, miso soup, sweet & sour soup, crab legs, shrimp, varieties of fish, lo-mein, fried rice, sweet & sour chicken, pot stickers, egg rolls, pork spare ribs, tempura, calamari, udon and tofu dishes. The desserts will be tiny individually prepared portions of American cakes and tarts but will not necessary taste like their full baked counterpart. There will also be a few “Japanese” desserts which will include miso, green tea or tofu as ingredients.
American – There are several large chains across the nation serving American buffet. You may have seen one of the following: HomeTown Buffet, Old Country Buffet, Ryan’s Buffet, Golden Corral or Ponderrosa. There are also a slew of smaller chains throughout the states. Here you’ll find a bevy of fried foods including fried chicken, fried shrimp, French fries, onion rings, fried fish, chicken nuggets, different fried vegetables and chicken wings. You can normally find overcooked steak, salty sausage and ham, crispy “pizza”, rubbery hot dogs & hamburgers, watery spaghetti and every type of picnic (pasta, potato, broccoli) salad under the sun. The desserts will be a range of puddings, stale cakes and bland pies along with vanilla and chocolate soft serve ice cream.
Mega – Mostly found within casinos and abundant in Las Vegas, the mega or supper buffet has hundreds of items from many different cuisines. The football field size dining rooms at least make you feel as if you’re burning off some calories as you walk back and forth from your table to the buffet. You will be able to load a plate with fried chicken, pizza, moo shu pork, pad thai and tacos that would make the International Olympic Committee truly proud. Trying to experience every dish that you would like to here can take an entire evening and for most is not possible due to stomach storage constraints. The desserts will range from cheesecake, baklava, crème brule, chocolate layer cake, éclairs, to pie, pudding and gelato. These are going to be the more expensive of all the buffets but the quality and selection will be the highest as well.
Another variety of the mega buffet is the seafood buffet, more popular along the Atlantic coast that will include every possible variety of seafood from clam chowder, clams, lobster, salmon, crab cakes, clam cakes, trout, crawfish, baked shrimp, fried shrimp, coconut shrimp, oysters, baked shrimp, shrimp scampi, stuffed clams and scallops.
Pizza – Broken down into two types. One being your local pizza place that will offer up a lunch time buffet with a few different varieties rotating but will of course include cheese, pepperoni and Hawaiian. There will sometimes be a small salad bar that will have droopy lettuce, olives, chickpeas, onions, pepperoncinis, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and you’re sure to find Ranch, Thousand Island and blue cheese dressings. The other type of pizza buffet is an actual buffet which will have a variety of tossed salads, roughly a dozen different pizzas, possibly pasta and a selection of dessert pizzas. These are normally extremely cheap but the pizza is normally sub-standard.
Salad/Soup Bar – This can be found in any type of restaurant almost as an afterthought. It will include two soups, either chicken noodle or New England clam chowder, limp iceberg lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olives, shredded cheese, peas, carrots, cauliflower, beets, bacon bits, Ranch, Thousand Island, Honey Mustard and blue cheese dressings. You’ll also find warm cottage cheese and syrupy peach slices.
There is however a few higher end salad buffets that have a wide variety of tossed salad, fresh fruits, vegetables, soups, pasta, pizza and breads. The main stipulation of these buffets is the mysterious absence of protein in the dishes. You’ll find a disturbing lack of chicken in the Asian chicken salad or clams in the New England clam chowder. The meat sauce may be your best bet for protein as you can scoop out the meat pieces individually. Bacon bits and cheese can also be another form of protein. The pizza will have roughly 2.5 pieces of pepperoni per slice.
Ethnic – This will normally be a lunch only buffet and includes your various Indian, Thai and Mexican restaurants. This is a great place to get really good food at really good prices as it will be coming from a kitchen that specializes in that cuisine. The buffet will normally be setup as a temporary serving station in the dining room. The selection will be small but will include a few appetizer type dishes and several entrees. Dessert is not implicit here but can sometimes be offered, if so it will normally only be one or two options.
A sub-style of this would be the Brazilian (churrascaria) dinner. This will normally include a lavish salad bar with lettuce, vegetables, cheeses, smoked and cured meats and various dressings. The staple of this style is the practically endless meats served table-side ranging from sirlon, beef ribs, grilled chicken, various sausages, leg of lamb, lamb chops, pork tenderloin to pork ribs. There may be a small amount of side dishes available as well such as polenta or mashed potatoes. This is a meat lovers dream as there are typically a dozen or more varieties to choose from.
Occasional – These will be found at weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, memorials, birthdays, showers, grand openings, business gatherings, potlucks, holiday parties and can include a wide variety of foods and cuisines. Depending on the event and the group involved the selection and quality of food can range from pitiful to exquisite.
Breakfast/Brunch – Many hotels will offer Sunday brunches. These will include all of your typical breakfast dishes. You can get made to order omelets, scrambled eggs, waffles, pancakes, muffins, breads, bagels, cold cereal, oatmeal, cream of wheat, granola, fruit, French toast, bacon, sausage, ham, potatoes and hash browns. Depending on the size and scope you may find shrimp, steak and other premium items. These will often be offered on special days such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Easter.
Continued below:
submitted by EternallyXIII to food [link] [comments]

Went to SugarHouse yesterday. My impressions.

Okay, first I get there at around 3:30, 2 hours after it opened. There isn't a line to get in anymore, this should have been my first clue as to how the place feels. It's a single floor flat casino, which is terrible for casinos. Okay, I can look past it, it's uninspiring, but still managable.
It was mobbed, which makes sense. I tried the ATM. On par with the $4.00 fee of other casinos, but they didn't work. I went to the cage to say something and they seriously said to me "Oh, we can give you a cash advanced over there or I can cash a check for you" I asked them "What about the ATMs, I want the money from my account." "Oh right, uhhhhhhhhhhh.... I guess I'll give the company a call." Well, I waited 15 minutes, and still they would not connect. I was also astonished that they didn't put up a sign or something on the ATMs because I saw tens of people trying to use them and getting denied.
Okay, I still want to see how the tables are. So I walked 4 blocks to the Luk Oil to get my money out.
When I got back I had to be carded again, and this time they gave me a pink bracelet to wear. I looked around and saw that everyone who looked under 50 got them (how absurd, overcompensate much?). Okay, I'll wear it.
At the tables I found out that they stick to strict gambling rules. For instance, they wouldn't let me take a single inside bet (or boarder bet) with outside chips. I was even playing quarters ($25). You'd think they'd notice. Craps and Blackjack are similar in rules. That's no fun. Plus the minimum bet is $15, fine, but he maximum bet is $100! Possibly they did that for opening day. But that doesn't make any sense.
The worst of it were the amount of amateurs there. I guess that's what that location will bring, fresh money that's never gambled before, but none of them have any casino etiquette. Pushing and shoving, not helping bets at the roulette and craps tables. Have some self respect people.
True, I did double my money for the 30 mins I stayed there, but I will not be going back. If you're going to put casinos in Philly, make it worth it. I'm personally against the casino being there, Philly is interesting enough that it doesn't need it, it's going to make College students poor (and numb to the experience and excitement of taking a road trip to AC or a weekend trip to Vegas), and it's going to hurt people around the neighborhood (NoLibs... Hipsters? Probably not them, but certainly those in Kensington all the way to Northeast).
It also has no excitement, and you don't "Fly to Philly to gamble", this city has enough to offer it doesn't need casinos.
submitted by I_divided_by_0- to philadelphia [link] [comments]

First time Vegas advice

Hi all. I'm taking my first trip to Vegas next weekend. As such, I'm looking for some helpful advice from the poker community. I know some of these questions get asked a lot, so I apologize in advance, but many of the answers I've seen both on this subreddit and other places have been either outdated or conflicting. This will be my first trip to a casino of any kind. I have online experience and I've been following poker for a number of years.
1) Cash games - I'm looking to play some 1/2 NL, and because of my inexperience in live games, I'd prefer to play soft games where I can play tight. I've read that MGM's poker room and O'Sheas poker room tend to be softer than most. I've also read that MGM can attract some veterans, and most of what I've read about O'Sheas was from before it closed/relocated. I've also read that it doesn't really matter what 1/2 game you play, as they don't vary all that much. What's true here?
2) Tournaments - What are the best $30-40 tournies? I don't mind as much about being overmatched in these and would just look at it as a learning experience. I'll be in Vegas Fri-Tues so any good tournaments running on those days would be great.
3) Table Etiquette How should the size of the pot correlate to the dealer's tip? Also, when, if at all, is it acceptable to ask the dealer how much exactly is in the pot?
Any other advice about what to expect, play style, or anything else useful would be appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by woundedmorals to poker [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I work at a casino, because i'm putting a lot of my identity out, only reasonable questions you'd ask a dealer.

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Date: 2016-02-28
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Questions Answers
So if I haven't actually played Poker but only a few times online, what would you say is the best way to approach a dealer and let them know you're sort of an amateur or would this be a problem for most dealers? This is an excellent question and also the hardest to ask in real life. The best thing to do is first, watch a table for a little bit, and get to know the people and hand gestures. more importantly, if you're going to start gambling, you need to be ready to lose some money. If you're playing a table game like blackjack, tell the dealer "Hey, I don't know how to play, can you help me" and they will, it's out job, and personally I love teaching people.
In poker, sign up for a game and when you get on a table, be ready to lose some money. Don't worry, if you know the general idea of poker you'll get the hang of it quick, but you'll literally need to say "i don't know what i'm doing, what can I do right now." you'll feel stupid at first, but after just 3 or so sessions these people who tought you how to play will suddenly be friends of yours and you'll be joining in on making fun of the new guy with them.
Last of all, ANY questions you have, tell me your state you're in and what casino game you want to learn and I'll give you a detailed rundown including etiquette and regional rules.
I live in Seattle (noticed you said you're in Washington) but have never been to a casino. I don't really like the idea of gambling, but I guess I'd like to go to a casino once to see what it's about. I know a lot of card games, but none of the gambling type games. I really like trick-taking games like Hearts and Rook. Any suggestions? I'd only go if you have family or friends to go with, it's a lot smoother and more fun. Otherwise, i'd go in and find an empty-ish table with a small minimum (usually $5) and then just ask the dealer "Hey what's this game and how do I play" and they'll usually help. Otherwise, blackjack is easy to learn, roulette is really basic as well if you just play black/red and other major bets.
How tight is the casino security? Very tight, oceans makes it seem like those huge casino's have loopholes. Our small casino of $4 mill has every staff member memorized. Before you move any more than 10 grand from a table, or to a table, even if you're a customer, a phone call is made. If you want to steal $100 a day you can do it easy, it's actually been done in many ways, but you get ruined afterward. as for "heisting" a casino, you would literally have to tunnel at a specific time of day, none of that "lifting badges and covering camera's" nonsense. One thing that makes me angry is that in Oceans, they cover an entire area by covering a camera in balloons. When each table is covered by a minimum of 3 cameras, floor areas have 4 view points at all time, you need a lot more balloons.
I worked Surveillance for 5 years at big Midwest Casinos. I could read the serial numbers on a box of cards from 50 ft in the air. Those cameras are no joke. But a lot depends on the operator as well. glad to have a supporting voice, but yes operator does matter too. We have days we can goof off and days we're dead serious just because of surveillance operators.
Darn it. I liked those movies. Oh their still great movies, I think about them every other day at work. How do you watch the oceans series while working in a casino and not try to do your own heist.
Tell you what, you can be my number 8, message me your special skills, i'm sure we have a spot for you
What would be a good amount of money to go to a casino with? Like, if my wife and I wanted to spend a weekend in Vegas, we would set aside money to play with, and leave our debit and credit cards in our room, so how much would be a good amount to go with? In vegas? I'd say $200 a day each minimum, but that's only because you went there, out of your way, you're there to see the sights. If you just go to a local cardroom (if you have any) a one day trip with $100 each will last you 1 to 4 hours and you can have a lot of fun. If you're going to travel to vegas I suggest you make a time of it, bring $600 between the two of you to gamble. Spend one day not gambling at all, just eat food, spend time with each other, go out. Then spend a day gambling, try to take it small, don't go overboard. If you stay a third day, just blow the rest of your cash, have a blast, go sit at a table you don't understand and drunkenly tell the dealer "I have $18 to my name, what can I play". If you and your wife go to vegas, I say follow that pattern and just have fun with it.
What is your favorite game to deal as a dealer, and your favorite game to play as a [previous] gambler...and why for both? Favorite game to deal is probably Pai Gow, It's my best game and I can deal it FAST If you've ever played Pai Gow, let me just say that when you play with myself and some of our other fast dealers, and all the players know what they're doing, it's a whole different game. It's also fun because Dealers try to be faster than the players, so I'll flip out my hand and I'll try to yell out what my hand is before the players see it, it's completely different from the normal slow game of pushing every hand.
My least favorite game is probably baccarat, because where i'm from our baccarat players are very pushy, rude, and demanding, because they're our high rollers.
I like to play Baccarat though, if you've never played before it's hard to explain why it's fun haha.
I've gambled since I was legal to do so. I've continually lost money upwards of $10,000. I've even thought of quitting my well paying job so I can deal to satiate my appetite. How did you break the cycle of gambling? I found something and someone I want my money to go to instead. dealing helps a little bit but you sound like an extreme case. Honestly, call a gambling help line, just one time just to see what they have to say. My idea might not be right but calculate how much you used to spend per month, and spend $100 less each month. For each $100 less you take off, add that money into an account, or into a hobby. If you're like me than the reason you gamble it is because it's there and "I love gambling, where else would I spend this money." I can't think of anywhere I'd spend money except to gamble it, so I've just been trying to plan a vacation for my girlfriend for example. hope it helps, message back again if you want.
What's the most you've seen anyone win or lose? Our highest roller loses around 200,000 a year. But i've never really seen much of it. Me personally, I took $30,000 from a guy on baccarat in about 8 minutes.
He felt trapped, kept upping his bet, next thing you know he's betting $3,000 a hand and loses like 8 hands in a row. i never said a word to him.
Highest win? a nice old lady put 1$ on a jackpot bet and won just over $100,000. she tipped the dealer $10,000. She has spend very little at the casino but is one of our nicest customers, needless to say, even those who didn't get any tip still like her so much just out of respect.
Oof, that sucks for that guy. I wonder if he could afford it. Have you ever felt truly bad for someone, or is it like you're in another place in your mind when at work? He can afford it, he does it every few months. But those who can't afford it lose a lot less. I had a woman break down in tears after telling me she just got a DUI, and lost her job as a driver, and that this was her last $100.
She lost it, and came back in the next week to lose $200 more.
Next week, another $100 and i've seen her at least once a month, and it destroys her.
Aye, gambling addiction is awful :/ thanks for the replies! Thanks for the questions! I lost 6000 last year gambling, so I want to do what i can to give back. I love the gambling community but there's so much information. If you know anyone who needs information let me know
What's the dumbest way you've ever seen anyone try to hide cheating? Oh god, so many ways. People do whats called capping. as a dealer, we go through our table of 6 hands, just 6 hands, 6 numbers to remember. and when we go back through to start paying and your 10 dollar bet is now an 80 dollar bet, dude we remember.
Whats tricky is we don't tell anyone, we have a signal we pull on the table so that whoever pulled the cheat doesn't know we know, so then after that security watches, if it happens again their on high alert and possible even dealing with the police. repeat offenders have been jailed over just adding chips to their bet after seeing they win.
I saw a guy get arrested at the table once. My immediate thought was he was past posting (term I always heard for what you describe above). They're extremely similar, basically the same yeah.
So if someone did it just once they probably wouldn't see any problems? No, capping happens on accident often, if someone thinks they pushed for example and then try to add to their bet afterward. but 3 times in one day is pretty ridiculous and every dealer will be watching you closely after that. if you have a criminal past, we're probably looking at police.
Also anyone who accidentally caps a bet multiple times, we'll usually catch accidentally taking money off a win, which would lose them money. and we politely tell them "we haven't payed you yet" and have them put their money back on so we can pay them in full.
You must have some weird stories about stuff you see when you work, right? My favorite just came in today, I won't name names but he cashes in about $1500 every 15 minutes, and every time he loses, he tells you it's okay and throws you $20. If he wins, he gives you $40 to $80.
As a poor university student, I can't handle that amount of money. 100 bucks a minute, oh boy. Are you generally well tipped? We have good days and bad. I work 25 hours a week and made $44,000 last year. it's tough because it's an ok amount of money, nothing impressive, but we don't work hard or often. You get trapped in the business. I like it but, i'll never be able to give my kids the life my parents gave me if I stick this out.
What do you want to do after? I honestly plan on killing myself but that's pretty short term. But nothing, I have no plans. I'm a 22 year old white male, I don't plan :/
Last updated: 2016-02-28 22:23 UTC | Next update: 2016-02-28 22:33 UTC
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submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

What is casino etiquette?

I will be going to a casino in Las Vegas for the first time tomorrow. What is some etiquette I should know before I go?
submitted by Davonium to AskReddit [link] [comments]

Can anyone give a beginner some advice about how to get started playing at a casino?

I am currently learning to count.
I've actually never played at a gaming table. I’d like to learn the rules, etiquette and feel comfortable playing without spending a lot of money upfront. I know some hotels in Las Vegas offer free classes for novices. Would this be something worth trying before hand?
What would you consider the best book for a beginner to read?
Are there any casinos worth checking out in California?
Do many of you seasoned players feel its still worth getting into card counting and playing black jack?
submitted by ColdTheory to CardCounters [link] [comments]

vegas casino etiquette video

Casino Etiquette at Grosvenor Casinos - YouTube How to Play Blackjack by a Las Vegas Dealer - YouTube Trying To Use Monopoly Money At A Vegas Casino! - YouTube Hookers in Vegas - YouTube Roulette Etiquette  Gambling Tips - YouTube Drunk girl got punched in Las Vegas Casino - YouTube Vegas Vic - Blackjack - 5 MUST DO's to WIN - YouTube Walking Thru Bellagio on the Las Vegas Strip - YouTube The BEST TIPS to do LAS VEGAS CHEAP (in action!) - YouTube

If you’re heading to Las Vegas for some high-rolling fun, the last thing you want to worry about is committing a casino tourist faux pas. Tipping etiquette can confuse the best of us. Casino Etiquette: How to Behave in a Casino. So, you are new to gambling, and you are excited to hit your local casino or make your way to Las Vegas and play under the bright lights of the big city. Well, that’s all very exciting! However, you need to know some basics about how Las Vegas Casino Etiquette: 9 Dos and Don’ts You never want to be *that* guy in the casino. While the main goal of going to the casino is to have fun (and win money), there are rules to follow to make it an enjoyable experience for you, other visitors, and dealers. It wasn’t until I moved to Las Vegas that I learned the etiquette of casino gambling. I also realized that a large number of players avoid the blackjack tables—which can be your best bet in the casino—because of the intimidation factor. So with this in mind, let’s run down some of the basics of gambling etiquette so you can play with Once in the game, you want to observe proper table etiquette and be careful not to make any of the common beginner mistakes. Here are a few of the common mistakes made by new players when they sit down to play casino poker for the first time. Las Vegas wakes up around lunchtime, then peaks between 11 PM and midnight. If you arrive at a busy hour, tables may be scarce at the minimums you desire. Weekends are also the busiest time of the week for Vegas as half of California drives in for a quick roll. Tipping. Tipping is a key element of casino etiquette. No matter if you are at a regal, luxurious casino, or one that is dirty and run down, casino etiquette is standard and should be abided by no matter where you are. People tend to become a bit more relaxed at casinos that are not the most prominent, but the fact of the matter is that casino etiquette is a fancy way of saying you should have nice Top 10 Casino Etiquette Dos and Don’ts. By Kevin Horridge March 17, 2015. 3 minute read So, if you want to capture that Vegas moment of bustling roulette tables and banks of slots, buy a Whether you happen to be in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or a Native American reservation somewhere in between, few things can compare to the excitement of gambling at a casino.Before you trade all of your money in for chips, however, you should know that a certain etiquette is expected of customers. Las Vegas Casino Etiquette. You must be 21 or above: To play at the casino you must be 21years or older, even if you bring your child together and playing the game while your child is next to you than most probably the bouncer will arrive soon and ask you to leave the casino.

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Casino Etiquette at Grosvenor Casinos - YouTube

Learn how to play blackjack directly from a Las Vegas dealer. Our host will teach you blackjack rules, hand signals and everything else you need to hit the f... Take a walk with us at Bellagio Hotel & Casino located on the Las Vegas Strip! #LiLV - LIving in Las Vegas Youtube Channel - #VegasStrong It IS possible to visit Las Vegas for $50 a day in 2019 and we’re showing you how in this Vegas vlog! Sign up for Ebates/Rakuten and get a $20 Cash Bonus: ht... Visiting a casino for the first time can be quite daunting, especially if you’re not sure about casino etiquette. In this video Grosvenor Casinos regular Ale... BUY MY ALBUM "FAT CHICKS" ON ITUNES HERE! to my mama*****... Full Playlist: - - Like these Gambling Lessons !!! Check out the official app http:/... Blackjack Secrets - my New Book - is now available:Blackjack Secrets - Paperback She was warned. MORE NELK VIDEOS: TO NELK FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY MONDAY:

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